Hi, I have followed your vids because you cover small bikes in some detail
A few comments -
Your presentation and format is improving
The power rating is KW, kilowatts, not KWh, Kilowatt hours is the amount of energy consumed over an hour. If something is rated at 15KW and is run for an hour it consumes 15KWh, if run for 2 hours it consumes 30KWh. With a petrol motorbike the figure varies where it is defined as being measured, either at the engine output or at the back wheel with transmission losses, usually 8 to 10%. Its just a very rough indicator but helpful. It becomes much more vague with electric motors as the output there is dependent on Volts and Amps drawn and there is no such animal as a 1KW electric motor, it is a notional rating, it depends how much you put through it until the winding insulation melts, often referred to as hotrodding or over-volting. For this reason the ebike legislation is a nonsense.
Rust is not caused by microbiological action but is the ferrous material or steel oxidizing, effectively the steel can be regarded burning but very very slowly. A hot exhaust system will have water condensation onto it which hastens the process, accelerates the burn.
Stainless steel is not in fact stainless so it is a clever marketing name. Stainless steel has a chromium content, high enough that it stops rusting, other patina may occur.
Other than that keep the camera rolling
A modern small motorbike is a fantastic deal and the Chinese quality assurance has improved remarkably and as you have pointed out many big brands source their products from China. Their lightweight is helpful for many reasons, handling, maintenance, fuel economy. The only real drawback for most is acceleration for overtaking. Such a deal sadly would not be available if the product was produced in a G7 country, its basic labour cost economics.
Maintenance is the big issue with a small engine. Fiddling around to get more power output may be fun but chances are a shorter engine lifespan and invalidating insurance which may become critical with an accident.
The two best motor sellers of all time are the VW Beetle for a car and the Honda Cub for a motorbike, both had low power outputs and high reliability.
Take care on the road and dont trust car drivers
BSc M Eng
Zombie drivers - residential evil - Most folk dont think it will happen to them and bicycle or motorbike it can : )
Stats are not good and doubling of the numbers of the old age demographic which includes drivers who have markedly slow reactions wont help. AI cars with autopilot are questionable for the urban environment, genrally those working in that area think the urban environment is too complex and the ethics of who do you choose to kill remain unsolved
If you want to do a scarey movie do a vid about dealing with insurance companies hahaha, not least them putting private eyes on people as the case moves towards the court in the hope of catching somebody out. Or the issue of non-compliance which has affected some forces service claimants with field casuality claims from war. Non compliance is refusing meds such as addictive opiods for quite valid reasons and can halve compensation. Finally review the red book which is the court reference document which contains such gems as losing an arm is worth about 70K and both arms about 140K, legs much the same. This is why when the war wounded started coming home with IED injuries the families where in turn shellshocked to find just how little compensation their injured recieved. Its all the same system - civil injury claims or war injury claims
So all I can say is ensure your insurance is valid and ride safe.
Keep up with the vids
I do state in the video that deresricting your bike without telling your insurance company voids your insurance and for a 16 year old it is the same as riding with no license
Hi I see you are due to talk about derestricting bikes. I dont personally have any problem with this but unless the insurance company is informed of any modification the insurance policy is likely invalidated. The issue with that is not theft of bike or damage to the bike in an accident but personal injury compensation in particular where an accident is caused by another party and legal costs are incurred. Legal costs can be significant as can injury compensation and the view of any insurance company can only be described as hostile to any claim with the onus of proof being placed on the victim. Minor injury claims typically can be settled in a few months but significant claims above 10K can be strung out for years before the 3 year limit leaves the claim being settled very shortly before the court appearance. In this situation even when the other party has admitted personal responsibility to the police the insurance company still has to agree payout and interim payments which are minimal may go on for the intervening years. I really do not recommend anybody risks invalidating their insurance status and if they want more umph they should buy a bigger bike or make sure the insurance compnay agree any modifications. I also recommend where it is available insurance for legal costs which is often bundled in a policy as a small cost option is taken. At the end of the day a zombie car driver is driving around in a proteced steel cage with safety equipment whilst a motorcyclist is sitting on a bar stool with tire road contact less than the area of a pair of sneakers. There are plenty of zombies around not to mention the foreign lorry drivers on the wrong side of the road because they still think they are in mainland Europe. Ride safe
Thank you for your input i will attempt to incorperate this into my videos
Hi, the successful ride out sections from others usually are short rides and include brief on-ride comments about how the bike handles eg handling suspension acceleration and often include a short mid ride stop and walk around. A ride around the block is much the same for all bike otherwise. Regards
No definatly not for the long runs i have a 1100 cc and i only ever do 50 miles
No problem if the odd mistake, anybody can make them. Yeah the dyslexia thing is tricky. Keep it up - there are not many covering the bikes you do and those are the bikes where most start. Think I had more fun myself on small bikes than a big one, just more nimble for local runs, how many times does anybody do hundred miles runs, not often for most
Lol people really dont like when i get the kw thing rong lol i have had atleast 6 comments on that one lol i had 10 customers come into the shop today 9 new my channel and reconised my voice so i think i am going quite well at the min some times i get some thing rong due to the fact of i have dyslexia and carnt read fast enouth to read a script but as alway i endeavor to improve thank you for your support and your helfull tips